Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Links, Bookish and Non

Something for long as you're just like me:
  • For the record, I really don't care that Chelsea Green is only selling its fawning Obama bio on Amazon. I guess I fail to see how it's any different from the others. Nice marketing decision on their part, though.
  • After reading this amazing story in last week's T Magazine (God, that's an awful name. It's so desperate to be hip...), I have to say I'm jealous of these tween fashion bloggers. When I was twelve I had just decided that it was no longer acceptable to wear pants with an elastic waist to school.
  • Speaking of fashion, I'm about three years late to this party, but drool over the fabulousness of The Sartorialist.
  • Since I seem to be all about clothes this morning, I'll plug Dana Thomas' excellent Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster, out in paperback. If you're so interested, you can read my lengthy review of it here.
  • The Walkmen are a good band. Their album You & Me just got a good review from Pitchfork, for what it's worth. If you download their album here it is only $5, and all of that money goes to the Memorial Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center, where a young friend of the band is a patient. Buy the CD and support a worthy cause.

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