Vroman's Podcast #1: David Sedaris

Vroman's Podcast #1 features none other than David Sedaris discussing, among other things: his new book, smoking, monkeys in hot-tubs, business elite, French waiters, and a few book recommendations.
(NOTE: Being a techno-ignoramus, I had a few volume difficulties (I think in the business, they call them "levels." Anyway, you may want to turn up the intro and the outro, and turn down the actual interview. Just a tip.)
David Sedaris will be at Vroman's on Sunday, June 29 at 5 pm. While the reading portion of the event is sold out, you can still hear the reading (we'll be piping it throughout the store) and get your book signed by him. Stop by Vroman's main store on Sunday and pick up a signing line ticket. This ticket WILL NOT get you into the reading, but it will get you a spot in line to meet David Sedaris and have your book signed by him. You must show your Vroman's receipt to receive a signing line ticket. Tickets will be available at 10 am on Sunday.
Great first podcast. I will be sure to listen in on the future one and pass it around to some folks. What a good idea for Vroman's...keep it up. I hope you are well.
tim w.
Thanks, Tim. Every little bit helps. I will soon figure out how to RSS these, so the next one can go straight to you. Ah, the wonders of technology.
Thanks for the great interview. Is there a way to post the length of the podcast? I was late for work this morning, listening.
My suggestion for an alternative to "Vroman's Podcast": Air Vroman.
Unless that sounds too athletic.
Oh, Molly. I'm sorry I made you late. I blame David Sedaris.
I will definitely post the running time next time to avoid that.
Thanks for listening!
This was a very relaxed and fun interview. Look forward to more of them.
Oh my God, was that James Lipton?
He had another interview to do, so there was no time for the Bernard Pivot questionnaire.
I only got around to listening to this tonight. What a great interview! When he showed up at the store, did you feel like old friends?
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