Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Morning Blogging Fun

It's Monday, people. What'd ya do over the weekend? I saw The Dark Knight (good, not great, but Heath Ledger was tons of fun), I ran six miles (not all at once), and I made pizza. Yum. Here's what they're talking about out there on the internet:
  • Edan has a terrific interview with Joan Silber at The Millions, where she touches on, among other things, how it felt to be nominated for the National Book Award: "TM: Ideas of Heaven was nominated for the National Book Award in 2004, and you were one of five women finalists. I was dismayed by the outcry following the nomination announcement; how did you deal with such reactions? JS: I think critics felt left out of the loop, since they'd never heard of us. (I'd heard of most of us, actually.) Their strongest objection was that we weren't famous, which we already knew. I didn't immediately think the criticism was anti-female, but after a while I came to think that some of it was."
  • Forget the Kindle, it may end up being the iPhone that finally makes the ebook mainstream.

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